In this episode, I talk to Brittni Fisher. Brittni was a special education teacher for six years and a visual arts teacher for three years before career changing into the UX Design world! Listen in as she shared her advice for other teachers looking to break into the UX world.
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Brittini’s Journey in Education
Daphne (Williams) Gomez: Hi, Brittini, how are you doing?
Brittini Fisher: Hey, Daphne, doing well. How about yourself?
Daphne: I’m great. I am so excited that you’re here. I wanted to start off a little bit and just tell me your journey in education.
Brittini Fisher: Sure. Yeah. So, my journey in education. Kind of a traditional path, but not at the same time. I started out as an Educational Assistant in the classroom while I was in grad school getting my master’s in Special Education.
I went into my master’s program as a gen ed, kind of, major. Then, I fell in love with the school I was at. I worked at a Special Day school for kids with extreme behavior disorders. So, then I switched my master’s program to Special Education.
I have a master’s in Special Education and was a teacher for nine years before career-changing. Six of those years, I was in special education and then, the last three, I was in fine arts and art because my undergrad degree was in Art and Design and Psychology.
I needed a change-up, which I know you have talked about on your Instagram a lot of trying different things, trying a different role, and so I did that for the last three.
Daphne: What ultimately made you start thinking about a totally different career?
Brittini Fisher: Ooh, that’s a good question. I would say a little bit of burnout mixed with lack of growth opportunities. I’m a very driven individual and I looked at how many years it was going to take before I could retire. I looked at what my estimated salary was going to be 30 years from now and it was only like, nothing. It was nothing.
Daphne: Like $20,000 more than what you were starting at.
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. Yes. It was after literally 40 years of teaching experience, I was going to be making- I think it was even less than $20,000- I think it was like $15,000 more.
Honestly, just the physical limitations of teaching. I was also a coach at the time with middle school. So I was pulling, some days, like 12 to 14 hour days. On game nights, you’d have to wait until everyone leaves. I would get there super early for practice.
I honestly was just thinking about my future life, and if I wanted a family, how could I keep up this kind of quick pace of job, and be 50 down the road, and have 12 hour days. It was just not… It didn’t seem feasible in my head.
I know people do it, and I am so impressed by it. I was raised by two teachers as well, so I know it can be done. But that probably played a factor. Both my parents were educators. I saw how draining it can be in your older years when your body is not physically able to stand for 12 hours a day, kind of thing. So, a little mix of everything.
Daphne: What types of roles were you starting to explore when you were just starting to formulate this idea of leaving teaching?
Brittini Fisher: I thought about going back to school, kind of looked at that. Do I want to get a PhD? Do I want to get a master’s in something else?
But again, I wasn’t thrilled about having to take out student loans because obviously, as a teacher, I was not going to make enough to pay for that degree, unless it was a state-sponsored program. So, I considered more education in a different field, maybe administration or something like that.
Then, originally, I thought about going into software development. I feel like that’s what you hear, “Oh, coding pays well. It’s a relaxing job, good work/life balance.” That’s what kind of led to UX Design. As I was Googling software development boot camps and came across UX Design, I kind of was like, “I’ve never heard of this. What is this kind of thing?” Then just kind of researched what that was more and decided to go with that.
Resources to Learn UX Design
Daphne: Yeah. I want to circle back a little bit of what you said about going back to school because that was something that when I started kind of creating resources four years ago, about helping teachers transition, it’s one of the most common misconceptions that teachers have is that, “I have this master’s in education, or maybe just a teaching credential and a bachelor’s and all this certification.”
I lucked out and only had $30,000 in debt. That’s good, for as far as student debt is concerned, that’s “good.” But going back into school feels like it’s your only option.
What I really discovered, is that you are able to leverage your experience as transferable experience. School is really great for someone who’s coming straight from high school and doesn’t have any experience in the industry that they’re trying to get into.
But teaching, you don’t want to downplay however many years you’ve had in education as transferable experience. Usually hiring managers just see a check on the box, “Oh, you got a master’s. That means you’re dedicated towards whatever path.”
Not necessarily you need a master’s in UX Design, as long as you’re able to show you have experience and you’ve learned the skills. But I know with something technical, like UX Design, software engineering, coding, you are going to have to learn the skills somehow.
So, were you able to find affordable or even free resources to help you learn these skills?
Brittini Fisher: Yes, kind of a mix of both. Depending on who you talk to in the UX world, they’ll tell you it can be done with zero cost.
I actually have a friend who didn’t even go to college and now is the Senior Director at a huge tech company and just kind of worked his way up over the last decade. He was self-taught. So there are a lot of, of course, YouTube videos, educational resources, websites, communities.
The UX community is one thing that I found really refreshing. Everyone is open to helping you kind of find your path within the UX Design world.
I say everyone. Of course, not everyone, but I would say 95% people are willing to help and kind of guide you, give you a recommendation of another UX podcast to listen to, or a book to read, or a course to kind of look into, or a connecting person.
I connected, actually, with a lot of teachers who transitioned to UX. So, it was kind of my safety zone of comfort, of “Oh, I came from the same place you came from; and you made it, so why can’t I?” kind of thing.
One thing I would say to anyone thinking about it, it is a lot. You have to be willing to put in kind of the dedication of self-exploration within the field. Then, I also, of course, did a bootcamp. I believe the software engineer or software developer you had on, did as well.
Daphne: Jessica Wolvington, on Episode 6, has been a fan favorite of people who did not know that they were even interested in software engineering.
Brittini Fisher: Yeah.
Daphne: They listen to that and they’re starting to hear these voices, and realize, “That is a role that I potentially could take.” So, I’m so happy that you listened to that episode, also.
I want to slow down a second because I have some familiarity with the UX team at one of the tech companies that I worked with. I would work with UX designers for some of the products that they have. We would have meetings with them, so I am pretty familiar.
But a lot of people might be Googling on their phone right now. So, let’s simplify it. What does a UX Designer actually do?
What is UX Design?
Brittini Fisher: Great. I’m like, “Oh, that is the question.” Right? Even I struggle explaining it to people.
I would just say we help craft user experiences- that’s what UX stands for- that you use either on a website or on a mobile application, or I actually work on a lot of internal tools that our employees use to make their user experience better as they’re using that program.
If you’ve ever gone onto a website, maybe to say to order food, and there’s a loop. It won’t let you check out, or something’s wrong. I would classify that as poor user experience. So, our job is to work with the software engineers. They basically build what we design and a lot of that design comes from research, which I’m really passionate about.
So, UX Design also has another kind of wing, I’m going to call it, that people specialize in which is UX Research. Then you might also hear UI Design, which stands for User Interface Design. That would be for someone who is more focused on the visuals and aesthetics, and has a really, really fine design eye.
UX would be somewhere in the middle, of kind of a little bit of research, a little bit of design. So, there’s definitely multiple avenues within user experience itself.
Daphne: So, even apps that we like to use, like Instagram, they have UX designers that are changing things while you click up in the top right-hand corner, and that’s when that dropdown comes.
Brittini Fisher: Yes.
Daphne: The double tap for the “like.” All of these things are built for specific reasons and there’s a lot of thought that goes into all of it.
I would even say, and I’m probably not going to use a company name because I’m going to say something salty, but there’s a company that owns the entire world basically, right now and the CEO makes a lot of money.
It’s a joke when you try and cancel your subscription because it’s an impossible experience on their website to find out where you can cancel subscriptions. That I don’t feel like is an accident sometimes and that is very strategically made for companies as well.
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. Most people would call that experience, like where it seems purposefully bad or purposefully to trap you, Dark UX. They’ll say Dark Patterns, or Dark UX..
There are a lot of interesting, I’m going to say, UI elements and UX elements out there. So you definitely, especially after learning about it, now you see more of them as you go through kind of different people’s websites or different applications. You’re like, “Oh, I see what you’re doing here. I’m picking up on that.”
So, so, so much research goes into, I know you mentioned Instagram, apps like Instagram. They probably have a whole team of UX Designers based just around the experience: studying user behavior, how people are interacting with that experience, and the heart.
Someone designed that heart, and how it, like you said, the double-tap. Every little tiny detail within a website or an app basically is touched by a UX designer. If it’s a great company, I would say a UX researcher as well because they say the more research, usually the better user experience.
Daphne: A lot of it, I feel like, that’s transferable. Just top of mind for me would be organization and knowing how people learn and think.
So, if I go to a website, what are the categories that I’m looking for on this website? How do I find that information the fastest, how do I find the product the fastest, how do I check out a product and buy it fast?
If I’m on the website too long, I might get distracted by something else. All of that, I think, comes back to you understanding your customer and your client and that comes from being a good teacher.
Brittini Fisher: Being a good teacher, being a good listener, and having the ability to kind of change what you’re doing quickly. You’ll hear in the UX field a lot, “We’re going to iterate on that design.” Iterate on that design basically meaning, “We’re going to change the design, based on the feedback we just received.”
I feel like there is no one else that does that more than a teacher. Mid-lesson, a problem arises, and you have to pivot. So, I definitely think that skillset is a hundred percent transferable to the UX design world.
As a special education teacher, I did a lot of behavior analysis: taking data on student behaviors, and doing behavior observations, kind of forming these hypotheses around the student’s behavior.
It’s literally, so, so similar into what you do with UX research with user interviews, when you’re interviewing a user for your program, or you’re doing a user usability test, seeing how someone interacts. Where do they immediately go? What do they click on the most?
That’s what actually piqued my interest originally, is I was reading about UX research and UX design, and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I already do all of this. I do all of this.”
It was like the “Aha” moment. It was just like, “Okay. Now I have to figure out how to fine-tune it for the UX world, learn their language.” Just kind of slide those skills over into a new platform, basically.
Overcoming Transition Challenges
Daphne: When you were exploring this, and you felt like you were getting really excited, and starting to find a path that you were excited about, I’m sure you faced challenges along the way.
What do you feel like was one of the most challenging things that you had to overcome while you were transitioning out of teaching?
Brittini Fisher: Oh, challenging things. Just not giving up, honestly. The UX world right now is very competitive for what they call junior designers. So that’s basically someone that’s either new to the field or has less than two years of experience. Because so many people are transitioning to that UX world right now. So, just not giving up.
I got a million rejection emails before I got my first interview. I knew that going in, but it didn’t make it any less easy. Rejection is never fun. So I think just kind of sticking with it, continuing to learn, continuing to network, continuing to kind of push forward, was the hardest thing, because it can be challenging.
And not to get discouraged, and think, “What am I doing? I’m leaving something I have a master’s degree in.” Just that kind of internal monologue of imposter syndrome, too.
Daphne: Yeah. I know as many times as we say it; I say it, you are saying it right now. We all felt that same feeling, for people who are listening right now, who are on their 50th rejection.
They are listening to this and thinking it’s just them. They are the ones who aren’t going to make it – they are the ones who aren’t going to get that job in X, Y, and Z.
Honestly, the best piece of advice is it only takes one single yes. That’s all you want. It’s a big step, but it is a very small thing, in the scheme of your life, is it only takes one person to say yes. You just have to keep pushing until you get there.
You can be doing every single thing right and the universe just hasn’t aligned yet. They might be hiring Katie from HR’s cousin because they’re getting a referral bonus for it. Or someone might have six months of experience and you’re coming in with zero experience in that particular industry.
It’s always going to be right around the corner; you just have to continue to push for it. I’m sure even you, right before you got this particular yes, you probably thought a week before, “Shoot. I might give up.”
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. What’s hilarious is, of course, it literally happened like that. I remember posting something on my personal Instagram like a week before I got my job offer, being like, “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m really feeling discouraged.” And all of that.
Then, boom, next week I connected with someone through a slack channel for the city that I live in, got an interview. Interview went amazing, and then boom, I was offered a job.
I’ve been there ever since, and I am so happy. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I can honestly say that. Best change ever: work-life balance, just mental health, everything, for sure.
Portfolios and Bootcamps
Daphne: I want to talk a tiny bit more about the interview process because there are some roles that do require portfolios: instructional design, graphic design, UX, I’m certain will, as well. Not every job needs a portfolio, just a disclaimer right now.
If you’re going into account management or sales of some sort, most of those do not need that. But if it’s something that’s very visual, and you don’t have a lot of experience, your gut instinct is, “What teacher supplies can I throw in here?” That is not best practice. Please do not throw your teaching supplies in.
But Brittini, how did you actually create your UX portfolio?
Brittini Fisher: This was one of the main reasons, I know we talked about earlier, the kind of paths to UX. This is one of the main reasons I chose to do an immersive bootcamp. So it was 12 weeks, eight hours a day, all day, every day. Basically like a mini college, twelve weeks of intensive learning and I definitely would say it was intense.
But one of the reasons I chose that route was because they guaranteed you a real-world project that you could put in your portfolio. That was something that was super important to me.
A lot of UX designers starting out will struggle with that because people want to see things that have been built and developed. So, if you don’t have a real-world client project, it’s not a knock against you, but a lot of people get in their head about that. “Oh, I don’t have real-world projects that have been created yet.” So I liked that aspect.
Actually, I got three projects to put in my portfolio from my bootcamp. A lot of friends did nonprofit work to redesign their website, or they had a friend who had a business and re-designed their website to use in their portfolio. There’s definitely a ton of different ways to get that kind of first article or case study for your portfolio.
Then, of course, there’s never-ending articles online. Anyone looking into UX should become very familiar with the Nielsen Norman Group. They’re basically the who’s all end all of UX and they have a ton of guides: how to build your first case study, what people want to see in your portfolio.
And then, another website that I would highly recommend is ADP. They do a ton of portfolio reviews. So they’ll have people come in from Instagram, Google, or Chase Bank and they will randomly select from a list of people that submitted their portfolios, and just review them live.
I went to probably about five or six of those. They’re an hour long each, and just learned, just watched.
“Oh, I like what they did in their portfolio.” They said, “Don’t do this. No one’s going to read that. It’s too long.” I just kind of started building my case studies, based off of their feedback of observing others. I was always too nervous to submit mine. So I just learned by them observing others.
On that website, too, you can also get a design mentor for free, which was really helpful. I did that as well and had someone one-on-one.
It’s a little less intimidating, have someone review my portfolio and my case studies because almost every application for UX design will require you to have a portfolio. They say usually at least three different case studies.
Daphne: Were you doing all of these steps while you were still in the classroom?
Brittini Fisher: Yes and no. I actually have a really interesting kind of spin on this. So, I knew I was going to leave teaching. I had made up my mind and I was originally planning to take this class.
I did General Assembly, 12 week immersive bootcamp in person. They offered it in person and I was going to do this class in Denver in the summer because teachers have summer off. It was going to be perfect.
Well, COVID hit. So, all of their learning programs turned to online. At this time I was still teaching virtually for my job and I kind of had to make a decision. Do I want to start this program earlier? I don’t think I was supposed to start until like July and I actually made the choice to move it up to May.
So for two weeks, I did the program and taught online because at the time, we were just having to upload videos. So I would upload all my lesson videos and literally answer student comments and questions on my breaks during class. Then the rest, of course, I was on summer break for that. It was an intense month of May last year, for sure.
Daphne: That’s one thing that I know Jessica Wolvington talked about in her podcast episode is there were people who, just in the bootcamp themselves, were kind of breaking down.
She’s like, “I’m used to this. I was a third-grade teacher. This amount of stress is not ideal, but worth it in the long run, and manageable for me.”
Did you feel that you were able to handle that stress a little bit better than even other people in the class?
Brittini Fisher: Yeah, I would say so. Probably just my personality, too. I had prepped before the bootcamp, to try to learn as much as I could on my own, so that when I got to class, I wouldn’t be as overwhelmed.
But anything you do for that long of a time, kind of concentrated in this little almost think tank, is pretty intense. There were people who had breakdowns and couldn’t handle it. We had a few people drop out if I’m being explicitly honest.
But I was able to handle it. And like I said, while I was still teaching and answering parent emails and kids’ questions. “How do I upload this? How do I do this kind of thing?” So definitely, teaching prepares you for the unpredictable, honestly, and to how to manage multiple things at the same time, for sure.

Balance in a New Position
Daphne: How do you feel about the work/life balance in your new position?
Brittini Fisher: I could not love it more. It was this weird transition when I first got hired. Teachers are always go, go, go, go, go. Right? We have one class after the other. We don’t really have breaks. I literally didn’t know what to do with my free time.
I didn’t know what to do with my free time at first because not every second of the day I was working on something. Either it was in between projects or we were waiting on some product questionnaire to come back, something to come back. You kind of have these little breaks throughout the day.
I literally was like, “I’ve never had a break. I don’t know what to do. How do I just sit here and not feel guilty?” I know you’ve talked about teacher guilt, too. But I felt almost guilty at first because I had more free time than I’ve ever had in my adult career.
So that was an interesting… I was not expecting to feel that way. But honestly, I remember telling my husband, “I want to do things after work now.” I want to go to the grocery store. I’m excited to cook dinner. I go out and see my friends more because I am not so drained at the end of the day.
Especially when I was working with kids with severe emotional behaviors, it was very hard to leave their trauma and their struggles at school. I definitely was one of those people that had a hard time not worrying about them at home or kind of bringing some of that baggage home with me.
So, I literally can close my laptop at the end of the day now and not have a worry in the world. It is the most relieving feeling I think I’ve ever experienced. There’s of course, going to be deadline days, where it might be, I would say level one stress. You’ve got to get your stuff done and get in, but it is nothing like the teaching grind.
Daphne: I think if teachers start to second guess whether or not they can take roles… On paper, UX design sounds technically complicated. If I was coming from an extreme case of burnout, that does not sound like something that would be easier. And when you’re trying to pick a new role, easier is potentially what you’re looking for.
And one thing that I realized after I left the classroom is I also started to feel so much lighter. Even the really complicated roles, I was teaching coding camps, I was doing things that I wasn’t necessarily feeling like I would have been ready for if you would’ve told me four months prior.
Brittini Fisher: Yeah.
Daphne: I think a lot of it is decision fatigue because right now, you have the ability to just focus and learn one new thing without- and I don’t know how many students you would have in special education- But for me, I had 30 tabs open in my brain at all times about all the different directions everything could be doing.
Then, I had grading papers and all the tasks I needed in the beginning of the day, and the very end of the day. That really weighs on your brain after years of doing it. So after you leave, you realize, “It’s not me. I’m not broken. It’s not that ideal situation for my brain.”
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. That’s totally true in the decision fatigue because as an art teacher that was the other thing. So, the last three years of my teaching career, I taught middle school art, and elementary art for one of the years. I had like 30 to 40 kids a class. It was unmanageable, to be honest, for middle schoolers.
It was just putting out fires all day, all day. So, to not be kind of in that fight or flight mode all day is really nice. You might be only be putting out one fire versus 20. That’s the best way I can describe it. It’s like you said, you can focus your efforts into one solid task.
It definitely is hard in the beginning It is learning a new skill. I had to learn all new digital programs. I watched YouTubes on how to learn these programs. And I think the first month of my job, I was like, “Can I do this?”
You kind of have that self-doubt and everything. But I always would to tell myself, “It’s only hard once in the beginning. You only have to learn this once. And then once you know it, you just have to reuse it, basically.”
That was kind of the internal monologue I had on those days where I thought, “Oh, this is so, like you said, very technical. I’ve never used this program before. I don’t know that language, like technology language they’re using.”
I just kept telling myself, “You only have… It’s only hard once, in the beginning. Everyone started somewhere. Even the Senior Directors of Design.” I tell myself. “They were once a person who just started out, too. No one just magically wakes up with all these technical skills. You can learn the skills, but you can’t learn the drive to learn the skills.” So I think if you definitely have a passion to learn something, and help others, then you’ll be good to go.
Daphne: Do you feel like you still have that teacher heart, where you’re starting to help others at your work environment? Helping show the ropes if they’re a new hire?
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. That was actually one of the things that drew me into UX design, because you are helping people. Right now, I help our internal teams get their job done better. It’s such a high of a feeling when you get a note from one of them that say, “Oh my gosh, I just used the new app you designed and it saved me two hours of my day.” So there’s still a lot of that.
That’s important for me. I’m a very passionate, driven person of helping others. So, that was important to me. It allowed me to be creative still, and help others.
Those were two things that were super important to me because I think I’ll always have that teacher heart of, “Oh, I want to help people grow and learn.” And all of that jazz. But yeah, that’s kind of what drew me to UX to begin with, besides the overlap of skills. I was like, “Oh. This really seems like it could be a great thing.”
Career Trajectory in UX Design
Daphne: I also heard you mention your, I think you said it was your Director or your Senior Director; and that sparks a good question. What type of career trajectory do you see, or career growth path, do you see with a role like UX design, even if you stayed in it for 10 years, and would be happy?
Which I’m sure, financially, you are doing pretty good right now. I’m just assuming. And I hope you don’t mind me saying that. But there’s so much growth in these types of companies. What could you do with this experience?
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. I mean there’s, I hate to say endless, but it feels like endless coming from teaching, growth opportunities. I’ve only worked there nine months. I’ve already gotten a raise, which is unfathomable as a teacher.
At six months, I had my little chat evaluation and I got a raise because they were really pleased with my first six months on the job. So things like that, you just wouldn’t get in the teaching world.
It feels good to have someone say, “Wow. I’ve noticed your effort and here’s a little money to go with it.” I’m not driven by the money, but it’s always nice, right, to get that recognition.
Of course, as you move up in the company, comes more benefits of all sorts. I have stock for the first time in my life, which is also new to me. Working in a tech company of equity that will vest after one year, which is super great.
Because I feel like people worry about that a lot. Like, “Oh, teacher retirement.” And all this stuff. I feel like I already have made in the nine months I’ve been working there, more for my retirement than I did in my nine years of teaching, which feels crazy to say.
So there’s a lot of growth for family planning and whatever you want to do on the road for retirement. You can lead a team of people. I have several bosses that are in a way, teachers themselves, that manage our team of UX designers and UX researchers.
So, that’s really appealing to me, too, of course, because I love helping people grow and learn in their own careers. You can always reach the top of the top and be the President of Design or President of Google, whatever you are striving for.
Daphne: I felt the exact same way. I’ve worked at a education company that I was able to get stock. I am no longer there, but I still have stock in this company and eventually someday, should they go public, then I’m able to redeem whatever amount of money it’s worth at that point. It’s something that I had never considered before.
That’s one of the advantages. A lot of people look for start-up companies because of that equity that they usually bring. But, I would also caution anyone don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t let somebody underpay you. Because I feel like I just watched the WeWork documentary and that’s what they’re like. “Okay. Everyone, we’re not really going to pay you, but here’s…”
Brittini Fisher: Yeah. Yeah.
Daphne: I wanted to ask one last question while I still have you. And it’s kind of a tough one.
Brittini Fisher: Okay.
Go After What You Want
Daphne: But I feel like it’s important for everybody to reflect on, is what do you feel was the biggest thing that you learned about yourself throughout this entire process?
Brittini Fisher: Oh, learned about myself. Probably that you can do whatever you put your mind to, as long as you keep going with it. A lot of my friends who are in education will say to me, “I can’t believe you just decided…”
To them, it’s like, I just decided one day that I was going to change careers and then did it. And I’m like, “Well, I didn’t have another option.” I kind of was one of those people that was like, “Okay, I’m going to do this. And there’s no looking back.”
Because I do feel like if you teeter, you’ll always be in that one foot in, one foot out position. I probably planned for a year before I took the leap to sign up for the bootcamp, and had really thought it out.
And so, I would say if you really think about things, and kind of get your plan in place, get your family support or your friend support, whomever you have, and just go for it. Like you said, not give up until you’re where you want to be. Because it does exist and you can do it.
Daphne: I would also add to that beautiful statement, when you are looking for support, potentially just people outside of education, not your teacher colleagues. Because there can be some negative vibes thrown at you which will make you feel more guilty about your decision. Or also that they tried it once and it didn’t work for them and they gave up. That is the data that they have, is that it’s impossible, and you are stupid for trying.
So, I love so much of what you just said right there. I’m just so happy for you. This has been so much great information, which I will put all in this episode’s show notes. I just want to thank you so much, Brittini, for coming on, and sharing this story.
Brittini Fisher: Sure.
Daphne: There are so many teachers who are actually interested in these types of roles and these are really starting to pop up everywhere right now.
Brittini Fisher: They are. I would say I get a LinkedIn message at least once a week from a teacher that’s either thinking about getting into UX research, or UX design, or is in research and design, and they want to either come to my company, or have an interview question, or an internship question.
So, I definitely think it is a skillset that is very transferable to this field if you know how to spin it, and carry that experience over. Have that confidence that you can do it. I think that’s the most important thing, is confidence, yeah, and believing in yourself.
Daphne: I read a really great book called Everything is Figureoutable that has definitely shaped my mindset around it; because it is challenging. So I’ll link that today also. But thank you, thank you, thank you. This has been such a great conversation, and I just really appreciate you being here.
Brittini Fisher: Yes. I love that. And thank you so much for having me. It’s blank right now, but I am looking at maybe starting an Instagram that is going to focus on teachers transferring to UX design. Because I have endless resources and websites and links, and people to follow on LinkedIn.
So anyone who wants to reach out to me on LinkedIn, feel free to shoot me a message and say you came from the podcast. I need to just start a spreadsheet of resources to send to people because I get them so much.
And then, I’m going to start posting, hopefully, we’ll see, on @teachersintech_. Just because I get at so many inquiries. It’s kind of like what you did, for general career change. It’s just never-ending people asking questions.
Daphne: Well, awesome. Thank you so much, Brittini. I really appreciate it.
Brittini Fisher: Thanks, Daphne.
- Check out the resources Brittini mentions in the episode: Nielsen Norman Group & ADP
- Connected with Brittini on Instagram @teachersintech_
- Take the FREE QUIZ: What career outside of the classroom are you qualified for?
- If you know it’s time to start your transition and are looking for resources and guidance, check out the Teacher Career Coach course today!
- Join our growing community (and connect with Daphne) on Instagram @teachercareercoach
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