I'm Daphne Gomez

I'm a former teacher turned instructional designer, podcaster, and career coach. I work with a team of former teachers and HR experts to bring teachers actionable advice and career transition tips.

Hey there!

I believe anyone should be able to leave any career without guilt. Yes, even teachers.

Back in 2016 I was secretly questioning if teaching was right for me. I felt guilty even considering leaving a career that everyone said was my "calling." Like I was losing my identity. I love education, kids, learning... but eventually I had to admit I needed a change. The following year, I moved to a new district in an attempt to improve my situation but instead found myself in a toxic work environment which affected both my mental and physical health. I pushed myself until I had nothing left to give - and then I broke. 

I found myself Googling "jobs for former teachers" a thousand times that summer, but there were no resources, no support. I was on my own. So I dug deep and with a lot of determination, countless resumes, and dozens of interviews, I landed my dream job as professional development trainer.

I was shocked to see how many teachers (and which ones!) approached me with questions about leaving. "How did you get out?" When I left, there nothing out there to support teachers who were thinking of leaving. But you shouldn't have to do this alone.

That's why I've made it my mission to create the judgement-free community I wish I'd had. One dedicated to helping educators find happiness in their careers - inside or outside the classroom.

since then...

I worked for Fortune 500 companies and EdTech industry leaders as an instructional designer, professional development trainer, and public speaker before taking the leap to support this community full-time.

Now you can probably find me, headphones on, talking to former teachers about their journeys on The Teacher Career Coach Podcast.

But you know what really lights me up? Understanding that all of my work can be balanced with living a full life - and knowing that it is possible for you, too.

Created to motivate, empower, and inspire educators, and featuring in-depth interviews with former teachers, burnout prevention advice, and answers to your questions about changing careers.






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Meet the team...




Operations Manager & Podcast Host

After leaving the classroom in 2017, Daphne landed roles as an instructional designer and learning consultant at a Fortune 500 company and one of the fastest growing start-ups in EdTech. Daphne is the host of the Teacher Career Coach Podcast. She works directly with CEOs and hiring managers to help them find top talent in this community.

Elizabeth is a former teacher (left the classroom in 2022) turned administrative assistant, podcast host and operations manager! I work with teachers, hiring managers and Aspireship to bring teachers actionable next steps and career transition tips.

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