On this episode of the Teacher Career Coach Podcast, I sit down with one of my favorite Teacher Career Coach team members, Allison Arney, about writing a transferable teacher skills resume to help you transition. Allison brings incredible knowledge of and over ten years of experience in the world of HR recruitment, resume writing, and organizational development to the Teacher Career Coach community. She offers insight into the deep inner workings of everything from applicant tracking systems to resume formatting. She even reveals what’s going on inside a hiring manager’s mind when they create, recruit, interview, and hire for a position. Be sure to follow along if you’re ready to learn the steps you need to take to write a strong teacher transition resume. You might want to grab a pen and paper for this one.
Recap and BIG Ideas:
- Formatting and terminology play a significant role in writing a successful resume that will get through applicant tracking systems and into the hands of a recruiter or hiring manager.
- Never assume others understand teaching terminology, acronyms, or pedagogy. Always spell it out and never make assumptions.
- The language and keywords you want to use will vary from job to job and industry to industry. Group your ideal jobs into categories to save yourself time when finalizing each resume.
- Utilize job descriptions as a tool. Once you identify the areas where you can translate your skills and experiences, you’ve got everything that you need to make that transition.
- You can translate a skillset on a resume, but you can’t translate an industry or a program you haven’t been in or used.
- Translating your skills requires a combination of confidence and thinking outside the box. You likely have the skill; you’re just used to calling it something different.
- When it comes to taking resume writing advice, do your research and vet your source to ensure they understand the position and industry you are applying to.
Listen to the episode in the podcast player below, or find it on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
Learn Allison’s role within the Teacher Career Coach Course and community.
Daphne: Hi, Alli. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Allison: Thanks for having me, Daphne.
Daphne: Alli, you have been my right-hand woman from day one. I bet Teacher Career Coach Course members already know your background, but for any listeners who don’t, this is going to be their first introduction. I want them to hear your impressive history and backstory, so could you let the listeners know who you are and why you’re here today?
Allison: I actually went to college for psychology and ended up in HR. While it blends nicely, it’s not directly related. I ended up in an environment that allowed me to gain a lot of exposure to organizational development, recruitment, all the HR training and strategy pieces of that. I was able to gain a well-rounded understanding of what hiring managers are looking for and what organizations need in their culture. More so, I learned how to put those two together by adjusting resumes and training candidates to meet those needs in a way that allows them to get jobs.
I’ve really been able to see this process from every angle and in a variety of industries. It’s a really neat blend of knowledge and experience. I found myself in this niche world of recruitment and hiring, and I enjoy it. I’ve written over 10,000 resumes in a little over ten years and have worked with countless candidates on getting their resumes positioned in a way that allows them to transition into the next step.
Daphne: And that’s the way that our paths initially crossed. I had created my first iteration of the Teacher Career Coach Course back in 2018, and I knew members would need support with applying their resume and experience to a new field. I didn’t feel comfortable being the subject matter expert on that. Sure, I could talk about my own experiences and what helped me get my next position, but I knew that that wasn’t enough to achieve the level of value I wanted.
Changing careers is such a big part of someone’s life. I wanted to make sure that I had somebody with industry knowledge to help me with that component. So, that’s where we really started working together.
Allison: It was a huge blessing for me because I really enjoy being a part of that journey. I’m so thankful that you brought me into this and allowed me to be a part of the course and this community because watching these teachers gain confidence and grow into new positions is so exciting and rewarding. I know you feel the same way, so it’s just been awesome.

The two biggest mistakes teachers make with their teacher skills resumes (and how to fix them).
Daphne: So let’s start with some of the biggest questions that people have. One of the first ones to come to mind is: What is the biggest mistake you see teachers making when initially showing you their resume? I have my own ideas, but I’m really curious to hear yours.
Allison: I would say formatting. Oftentimes the format teachers choose showcases their creative side or are a very teacher-specific template. Teachers have a gift for making documents really pretty and very aesthetically pleasing so that people want to engage with them. Unfortunately, that creativity doesn’t comply with applicant tracking systems. So, again, I think their biggest mistake is that formatting. They start with a very teacher-ish look before they even get a chance to explain what their skills are.
Daphne: That both does and doesn’t surprise me. I went into my first post-teaching resume thinking if I showcased my graphic design skills on the template, it would help land me the instructional design position. In reality, they’re looking for those graphic design skills in a portfolio, right? Your resume has to actually get seen before you can be considered for the position. If you use some sort of pretty Canva template, then you’re not going to actually get your resume seen because it won’t pass through the applicant tracking system.
To add to that, I would say the biggest mistake that I see teachers making is that they do not rewrite or translate their resume experience so that it is applied outside of the classroom setting. Instead, they weave in a lot of pedagogy and use a lot of examples that are not relevant to the new positions they’re applying for. They really struggle to actually showcase themselves in any role outside of teaching that doesn’t involve their classroom duties.
Allison: I would agree with that. That’s a close second for me. It all depends on what field you’re going into. If you’re looking for something that’s still related to education, there’s some room for that pedagogy and those examples in the resume. However, it definitely has to be translated so much to get through not only the applicant tracking systems but also the first round of revisions. These revisions are typically done by an HR professional who doesn’t really speak that education language. It does you no good not to translate those experiences and skills. You’re really just shooting yourself in the foot.
Daphne: There are so many things that teachers do that are so impressive. Unfortunately, many of the acronyms, like IEP, are ones that hiring managers don’t understand. That hiring manager doesn’t necessarily understand that following an IEP means following compliance measures, tracking data, or doing quarterly analysis of goals and outcomes. You should never use an acronym that someone outside of the world of education is going to have to make an inference of what it means. Chances are, they won’t truly understand.
Allison: Absolutely. Even just spelling out those acronyms can help a lot. Even if you’re looking into an education consultant position, it’s still a good idea to spell out the acronym. But, as you said, if the goal isn’t to stay within education, like a customer success manager role, the language has to be translated to showcase more of the compliance, reviews, in-depth analysis, and data tracking side of following an IEP, or whatever it may be. Those are the corporate skills that they’re looking for.
I may be jumping ahead here, but I think helping teachers understand how their experiences translate helps to build their confidence in their transition. When first looking at a job description, it’s easy to think you don’t have all the required skills. If you just break down all of those acronyms, you’ll see that you are far more qualified than you thought. I would say 99% of the time you find you have at least three-fourths of what they’re looking for. It’s just worded differently. So, you have to word it differently, too.
Daphne: I couldn’t agree more. Part of it is low career self-esteem. For the record, I don’t think that something only teachers struggle with. I think it could be gender-specific in general. Honestly, everybody has a hard time tooting their own horn.
Translating your classroom experiences into various positions within the realm of education.
I want to backtrack here and revisit what you said about continuing to pursue working within education roles. I want to dive into that a little bit deeper. So for me, I’ve worked as an instructional designer and an educational consultant doing professional development. For both of those types of roles, it would be relevant for me to include some of my teacher duties as long as they really translated into what was being asked of me in this new profession.
When you work with educational companies, they’re looking for experience pertaining to using products like theirs to enhance teaching in addition to how you’ve actually performed the duties similar to what the duties and the role would be. So for my professional development role, I really focused heavily on educational technology and how proficient I was in implementing such technology. I also talked about how I did a lot of “train the trainer” type of sessions, training other teachers on how to implement technology into the classroom. That was basically the job duties mentioned in the posting, so it made sense.
Can you talk about different roles within education companies where teachers can easily translate their experiences?
Allison: For instance, curriculum design is a common role for teachers to transition into. In that case, even just spelling out and actually listing the different learning methodologies you incorporated is a good strategy. A lot of times, those translate over to training techniques these companies often use. From there, they can draw those parallels.
You also want to be sure to spell out those cognitive rigor measures that you’re using, like Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. These might seem second nature in the world of teaching, but they are great keyword skills to list on your resume. Also, a lot of times, within curriculum design, they want someone to understand those concepts and who can approach a subject-centered curriculum or a project-based learning curriculum from that specific angle. Including those relative terms in your resume lets them know that you’re able to apply those same skills and methods.
It’s the same thing with instructional design. Use your resume as a place to call out some of those models that you used to build different presentations. For an educational consultant role, talk about the different ways that you’ve improved processes. There are so many things that you can do to relate your teaching experience to your next career or role outside of the classroom.
Tips for translating your teacher experience on a resume for roles outside of education.
Daphne: You’ve probably worked with hundreds of teachers from the Teacher Career Coach Course on directly translating their resumes for positions within education companies, which is amazing. You’ve learned so much about the terminology and pedagogy of education.
Where you really shine is helping people translate their resumes into roles outside of education. I feel like that’s where teachers experience a lot of self-doubts and believe they aren’t capable of finding success within those other roles.
Can you talk about just a couple of tips for someone who’s looking for a role completely outside of education?
Allison: To use myself as an example here, it took me researching, digging in, and actually taking a true teacher resume and picking it apart and studying those words before I really understood the magnitude of the translations. I really had to connect the dots between, for example, cognitive rigor measure and Bloom’s to understand how to best write resumes in a way that translates those skills.
When I understand the skills, I can see what that means in the corporate world. The same thing has to happen for teachers translating their experiences and skills to the world outside of education. They have to study those job descriptions and take those skills, pick them apart, and research them. It takes time. It takes a lot of conversation. It takes a lot of research. However, when you can find those areas where you can adjust and translate your skills, then you’ve got everything that you need to make that transition.
Daphne: I’m sure there are people listening right now who are not members of the Teacher Career Coach Course who are thinking, How am I supposed to do this for every single job that I am applying to? I want to make sure that everyone understands that you should have just a couple of different career trajectories you are interested in exploring before you start creating a million resumes. Then create a few resume variations that you can reuse and adjust for the specific positions that you’re applying for.
I think a lot of people who go into their search blindly are met with overwhelm and career search fatigue. They’re trying to do too many things.
Allison: I see that a lot. One of the first things nearly every single teacher mentions is that they’re burned out and overwhelmed. In their minds, they don’t have the time to write their new resume, let alone learn how to do it well. That’s why I love the way that you’ve laid out the course, to be honest. It’s so sequential that they have already thought about different fields that they are interested in by the time they get to module four about resumes. They’ve narrowed it down and written out their skills. At that point, they’re ready to write a resume, whether they believe it or not.
The first step is identifying your top one to three positions that you’re interested in. Now, if it’s a training and development position you want, you can also include job titles like corporate trainer into that. If it’s a curriculum writer position you’re looking into, you can look into instructional design with that. While it’s technically five or six different positions, you’ll start to find things that lump together. Then you can make a list of the general skills for these job buckets. Look into a couple of different job descriptions, identify any words you might not be familiar with, note the skill sets that they’re requiring, and then start writing out your skills. Utilize your translations so when you go to write your specific resume for any one job, you have this template of sorts that you can use to help you translate your skills onto your resume based on the job description. Having that comparison list between your skills and what the job posting says helps make the process more fluid.
Daphne: And for anyone listening who is not a part of the Teacher Career Coach Course right now, this is something that Alli and I have worked on and actually created for you as well. We have a classroom to corporate translations resource inside the course. Then we have a career accomplishments journal of sorts, where you can plug and play your experience with the predetermined translations. This saves a ton of time and is really useful.
Examples of how teacher experiences can be translated to fit other roles on a resume.
For those not in the course, I was curious if you wanted to play a little game with me. I’ll give a job title and you tell me what type of teacher experience would be the very first bullet point you would suggest on a resume for said job. Are you game?
Allison: I’m always game.
Daphne: Let’s start with a customer success manager position at an education company.
Allison: The first bullet would definitely be to talk about managing a portfolio of 25 clients, or whatever your caseload of students is. Talk about client satisfaction and ensuring some product knowledge.
Daphne: Okay, perfect. I love that. What about a corporate trainer position outside of education?
Allison: Talk about creating a training strategy and training materials. If you’re able to say adult and youth learners, that would be great. It’d be great to specify adults if you can. I’d also put a lot of the professional development that you’ve led up at the top as well. Then kind of break it down into the curriculum that you’ve built for training.
Daphne: What about a learning-focused position at a museum or some sort of arts program?
Allison: I would start with the curriculum development and maybe curriculum mapping. Focus on mapping out an educational plan.
Daphne: As we were just playing that, I realized the trickiest part is that you have to see the job description itself before you can really decide on these translations. As I’m telling you the name of a specific role, like a customer success position for an education role, it might be sales-heavy or more customer-satisfaction focused. There are so many variations to the actual job duties themselves.
Allison: There’s definitely a way that you just learn the job descriptions for a certain type of position and get the basic gist of what it entails. Yes, there are many different iterations to each of those, but when you learn the basics, you’re able to understand the main focus of the role quickly. Whether it’s focused on sales, customer satisfaction, or data analysis, you want that first bullet point to relate to that focus.
The mindset challenges teachers face when writing their resumes.
Daphne: What types of mindset challenges do you see people, specifically teachers, face when it comes to actually writing their resumes?
Allison: Confidence. The lack of confidence comes from being burned and from the Negative Nancies. I think a lot of people mention how burned out they are to their co-workers and maybe even mention leaving, and they’re met with negative talk from people who don’t believe it’s really possible. That negative talk gets into their head. Then, when they apply to new roles and get their first five rejections, they immediately hear those voices circulating in their head about how it isn’t possible or realistic. It’s easy to start then believing that as your own truth. However, that’s just not the case. It takes effort, energy, and a lot of research, but it is possible. That’s why I love how your course provides a lot of help with the transition not only with your resume, but with the person and their confidence as well.
I think the other piece is that, yes, translating your skills requires a lot of confidence, but it also requires you to think outside the box. A lack of confidence can block your ability to do that. That’s when imposter syndrome will trick you into believing you don’t actually have said skill. The truth is, you do. It just might be called something different.
It’s no different than if a student came to you and said they didn’t understand a certain problem or topic. Teachers are great at rephrasing material to their students in a way that resonates with them. They use analogies that make sense to the student. Maybe the student doesn’t understand fractions on the board, but they understand pie or pizza. So, you’re able to use cooking terms, or diagrams of pizzas, or whatever is relatable, to get the point across. It’s no different. When a teacher is translating their skills and experience into corporate terms, it’s the same concept as turning fractions into pizzas for the corporate people. That’s it. Having confidence in that ability is huge. You’re not lying; you’re just showcasing yourself differently.
Knowing the difference between a transferable skill and a lie.
Daphne: I think that’s such a great point. When it comes to writing your resume, knowing the difference between what you are able to translate and what is a bold-faced lie is quite important. For example, a lot of teachers don’t think they have project management experience, which they absolutely do. You and I have had this conversation so often about the many things teachers do that qualify them for project management experience.
A lot of people outside of the classroom see this translation too. They understand that you’re planning events, coordinating field trips, and scheduling nine-months’-worth of curriculum. On top of that, you track all the data, figure out how you’re going to pivot if the data shows any gaps, and differentiate and change course as needed. All that qualifies you as having some project management experience.
You can say you have x-amount of years of project management experience, but if the company is looking for project management experience at a software and service company, you can’t really say that you have that type of project management experience. It’s those little differences between what you’re able to actually show that are important. It’s that difference between translating and reframing real experience and telling a bold-faced lie.
What would you say that line is?
Allison: I think you already hit the biggest nail on the head. You have to think about the industry. If you have previous experience in software as a service, awesome, list it. If you don’t and don’t even know what SAS stands for, then you cannot list that on your resume. You can translate a skillset. You can’t translate an industry or a program you haven’t been in or used. Don’t claim to have used a software or system if you haven’t.
I always tell people that when it comes to deciding what goes on there, think about an interview. Would you be able to handle questions and conversations surrounding the topic? Or would you be completely lost and look foolish? You have to have those boundaries with yourself. And yes, it may mean forfeiting a great skill set. If you’re in an interview and are asked for examples of something you claimed on your resume, you could potentially make yourself look silly if you don’t have a solid grasp of the topic. You have to consider those situations before you put something on your resume.
Daphne: I don’t want to dive too much into the interview process or picking the right career because that’s a conversation that could last hours. I want to have you back as many times on the podcast as humanly possible because I know how important these conversations are.
Related Resources: Creating your Instructional Designer Resume
From moving past rejection to avoiding assumptions, Allison shares more resume writing tips.
For now, I do want to touch a little bit on the resume and how it is the most important part for you to get your foot in the door. However, there might just be some people you run into who see that your resume is filled with translated teacher experience and turn you down. They might not see it as the right fit for the role or the company. In that case, you’re going to have to put your emotions aside and just keep trucking on. The reality is, that is a real potential situation for teachers.
Instead of taking it personally, understand that the biggest concern hiring managers have is that you just want any position outside of the classroom. As a business owner myself, my biggest concern is that I am going to put a lot of energy, effort, and resources into hiring someone who hasn’t done their research to figure out if they want to be in the position that’s available. I don’t want them to leave after six months or eight months.
So, your job as the candidate is to do your homework and have a couple of positions in mind that you’re most excited about. That way, when you write that resume, you can show them that you took a couple of courses online or maybe learned a couple of skills in your free time and that you’re confident about speaking about this exact type of position. When you get into that interview, if they happen to have any red flags about your interest or intentions, you can clear them honestly.
Allison: Absolutely. I think it’s important to understand this doesn’t just happen to teachers. This happens in every industry or career type, whether you’re transitioning out of that field or moving around within it. Daphne, I’m sure you’ve interviewed and not gotten a job in your lifetime. I know I have.
Daphne: Absolutely. There have been plenty of positions that have turned me down, and I’m better for it.
Allison: Absolutely. I call them the weeders. If they’re going to weed you out, great. They’ve weeded themselves out of your list, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Then you can think about the next position and move on. Yes, it does take some resiliency and going into a job interview knowing that you may not get it and that’s okay. If it doesn’t work, then the next one might. It’s important to keep telling yourself that because there’s going to be some resistance in general.
Thankfully, one great thing that came out of the pandemic is people have a whole new respect for teachers. Parents are realizing and understanding way more of what teachers go through and do. It’s still probably not enough of an understanding of what teachers really do, but I think the respect is there more so than before. They understand there’s a lot more planning and coordination that goes into it. There’s a lot more project management, compliance, and details that they never even imagined.
Hopefully, now they understand just how much of an extremely viable candidate you are, rather than seeing you as a teacher who can’t translate over to the corporate world and responsibilities. They may even feel like they owe you one, depending on how their kids handled virtual learning.
Daphne: And those parents at home who are seeing all the ins and outs just might be the hiring managers at the companies you’re applying to. They’re the ones who are potentially working at those companies. Regardless, it’s so important that you use your resume to spell it out for them. They should not have to make an inference that you understand what their job is asking you to do or that you have skills that actually match that skill set.
Allison: Absolutely. I always say you should assume that they will assume nothing when writing your resume. Don’t assume they know any acronyms or anything because they probably don’t. Instead, assume that they will assume nothing and spell it out for them.
Daphne: The reason that I started working with you, and haven’t and never will let you go, is because I know this transition is possible. I wrote my resume for jobs outside of the classroom and I got my first post-teaching position. As I was in that position, I started to explore other opportunities because I wanted to continue to grow within this new career path I had in mind. I worked with one resume writer that I found off of LinkedIn. She basically said she could translate that last experience, but anything prior to that, when I was teaching, wasn’t something she could translate. She charged me like $350 for a resume and an updated LinkedIn but didn’t really do the job. On top of that, the resume template she used was one that I knew would get skewed with applicant tracking systems.
How to navigate resume advice from friends, family, and the good old internet.
It really wrecked me to find somebody who would charge and do a job that could be potentially damaging to my career search in general. So, I wanted to find someone for the course that I knew I could trust with the most up-to-date and relevant advice for my members. I wanted someone with a wide variety of experience, not just teaching or in any specific niche. I knew I wanted to address some of the other issues that people might have when they’re asking for advice with writing their resume, maybe from a loved one or on the internet in general.
What types of issues have you seen a rise when it comes to those things?
Allison: I’m really glad you brought that up. Resumes are a very personal thing and everybody has their opinion about what a resume should look like. Cognitively speaking, different things grab our attention. It’s important to make sure that whoever you are listening to regarding resume advice has fruit on the tree to give advice about it. So we use an analogy with our three daughters. We tell them that before you take advice from someone, make sure that there’s fruit on their tree that you want. If you don’t want to eat that fruit, then you need to find a different tree.
First of all, when it comes to taking resume advice, look at their careers. Do you want the types of careers that they’ve had? Do you want the tenure? Do you want the same types of companies? Do you want the quality of the work-life balance? Also, look at what the jobs that they’ve done. Are they hiring managers? If they are, are they the ones looking at the resume? Or is a recruiter looking at the resume and sending it to them? Are they familiar with applicant tracking systems? Have they worked within multiple industries? Or have they only ever worked within one? Remember, every industry has its own nuances and what they look for in resumes. Have they hired in the last three years? Because resumes have changed a lot in the last three years, as have applicant tracking systems.
So before taking advice from people on what your resume should look like, just make sure that they have some fruit on the tree to be giving you advice about that. It may be their personal opinion because they used that version, and it worked once for them. Or maybe they hired somebody once, and that’s what the last set of resumes looked like. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation.
Daphne: Even a resume for an executive at a software as a service company will have a lot of different verbiage than someone looking for an instructional design position.
Allison: I guess the easiest way to summarize it is if they haven’t hired or had experience hiring and reviewing resumes within the field or industry that you are pursuing, take it with a grain of salt. There may be something to what they say, but really weigh it out heavily and don’t rush to change your resume every single time someone gives you a pointer.
I certainly don’t know at all, but the experience that I have, and the opinions that I have, come from years of working with hundreds of hiring managers across every level, size, and industry that you can imagine. From fortune 500 companies, fortune 50 companies, mom and pop shops, and everything from manufacturing to healthcare and everything in between. That experience has given me such a well-rounded knowledge of what is going to actually work within the marketplace. I’m not saying you have to get that information from me, but get someone who has a broad knowledge like that or very specific to the field you’re looking at before taking their advice and changing your resume every time.
Daphne: When you’re looking all over the internet, you can start to find different types of resume templates. There’s a chronological setup, which is great to use. But there’s also a lot of websites that talk about using functional templates, but those websites are either really out of date or just giving bad advice.
My biggest concern is that I see people who reach out asking for someone to review their resume. Even if that person is currently in the same type of position you want to apply for, they may not know how to write a resume that will actually get your foot in the door. Maybe their resume worked for them, but there are a lot of different outside factors that might have made that happen that wouldn’t necessarily apply to your situation. Maybe the keywords are slightly different, or perhaps they had a friend at the company that actually got their foot in the door, so they never had to get through an applicant tracking system.
I just get very, very nervous when I see people giving out resume advice or taking in resume advice. Even though I know that so many of these people are just trying to be helpful, it could ultimately be hurting you. This is especially true if you’re in an extreme time crunch, which a lot of teachers who are transitioning are.
Allison: Yes. And I’ve also seen people who are really excited to show coworkers their resume. Before you know it, you’ve opened the door for unnecessary comments. Honestly, a great writer and a great editor do not necessarily make a great resume writer. It’s easy to say, “Oh, well, I’ll have my English department head look at this for grammatical content,” but it’s not about the actual resume details and that sort of thing. So just weigh it out and look for the fruit on the tree.
Daphne: And the fruit on the tree doesn’t necessarily mean that the people who are giving you advice aren’t successful in their position. They could be very successful in their position, but it just is very concerning to me when I see a lot of people who are wanting to be helpful by giving resume advice. The problem is they don’t necessarily have anything except for their own small bubble of experience of when a resume has been successful. I don’t believe that writing a resume that was successful once is enough experience for you to give resume advice to other people.
Allison: I completely agree. Be very protective of that and what you accept as advice. Really take the time to evaluate your sources. Again, take it with a grain of salt. There could be something great there, but just understand that resumes are very personal. Everybody’s going to think differently about what a resume should look like. So just consider what their experiences are first.
Where to start
If you’re just beginning to think about leaving teaching, brainstorming other options is a great place to start. But if you’re like many others, teaching was your only plan – there never was a Plan B. You might feel at a loss when it comes to figuring out what alternatives are out there.
Start with our free quiz, below, to get alternative job options for careers that really do hire teachers!

Taking the First Steps to a New Career
If you’ve already taken our quiz, it may be time for the next steps. I want to help you get some clarity in the options available to you. To know EXACTLY what you need to do (and not do) in order to get your foot in the door.
One of the biggest mistakes that I see teachers make is that they try to navigate this process alone. Often, they put off “researching” until the very last minute. Which sets them up for a very stressful application season – trying to juggle teaching, figuring out a resume, researching jobs, and hoping to nail down some interviews before signing next year’s contract.
You don’t have to do this on your own.
If you are considering a career change from teaching, I have a resource that can help you today. With the help of an HR expert with over 10 years of experience, I’ve created a guide to support you in the early stages of your transition out of the classroom.
In the Career Transition Guide, I’ll walk you through the factors to consider and answer those first-step planning questions including:
- A compiled list of over 40 careers that teachers can transition into
- An overview of how to read job descriptions
- How to evaluate the risk of leaving a full-time teaching job for the unknown
- Example translations from classroom-to-corporate resumes
- A checklist of everything you’ll need to do for your career transition (so you know you aren’t missing anything!)
- and more…
Take the first steps on your path to a new career now for only $19 $9!