
Congrats, you received: Working With Children Outside of Teaching

There are many different jobs that you are qualified for in this category because you already have the passion and skills necessary to teach children effectively. You can also consider roles that support education without keeping you in a classroom, such as a Daycare Center Manager, Museum Educator, or an education-focused non-profit organization.

Improve classes for teachers and students, through school district jobs outside of the classroom, such as a Reading Coach. For more hands-on work with children, consider roles as a Social Worker, Children’s Recreational Program Manager, Daycare Center Manager, or positions within adoption agencies or non-profit organizations.

The options are endless in how you can add value to education from outside of the traditional classroom!

Example careers in your bucket:

  • On-set education (children in movies and film)
  • Non-profit Organization
  • Hospital Family Education Coordinators
  • Curriculum Specialist (within a school district)
  • Education & Credential Advisor 

Looking for more resources?

This is just the TIP of the iceberg of new possibilities for you, my friend! There are tons of other options for you.

This is just the TIP of the iceberg of new possibilities for you, my friend! There are tons of other options for you. I have all of the potential careers organized into what I call “career buckets” for teachers, the product of hours of vigorous research, and careful consideration.

With the support of a certified career coach and HR expert, I’ve created six categories to help teachers narrow their search more strategically.

Focus on jobs in the bucket that interests you the most (or all of them if you’re planning to get out ASAP and need to cast a wide net!)

I’ve included all six categories into an eBook called the Career Transition Guide for Teachers. The best part? I’ve lowered the price to only $9 for you if you act now!

Get the Career Transition Guide for Teachers for only $9!

One of the reasons you may be struggling with your career hunt is you don’t have a step-by-step plan or a structure to go from. But you don’t HAVE to do this alone. Learn the strategies that other former teachers have used to help them get started with a career transition and ultimately land careers outside of the classrooms.

After years of working in educational consultant and instructional design, I vowed to create resources to support teachers facing the same questions I had when leaving the classroom. The teacher in me chunks everything into perfect bite-size pieces so you aren’t overwhelmed with the process. I create a learning path for you so your tasks are manageable and you make progress towards your career goals!

Right now you are probably on the fence if leaving is the right choice for you, so I can help walk you through the factors to consider to answer this question. The Career Transition Guide for Teachers is only $9 (usually $19) and includes all of this great information:

  • The main career buckets that hire teachers without requiring additional degrees.
  • A compiled list of over 40 careers that teachers can transition into.
  • A list of careers for those who are tech-savvy (and a list for those who aren’t!)
  • An overview of how to read job descriptions (explained by an HR Expert with 10+ years in the industry!)
  • How to evaluate the risk of leaving a full-time teaching job for the unknown.
  • Example translations from classroom-to-corporate resumes (written by our HR Expert Resume Writer!)
  • Motivational prompts to help you gain the confidence you need to get started.
  • A checklist of everything you’ll need to do for your career transition (so you know you aren’t missing anything)!

Don’t miss this opportunity and grab all of these resources for only $9 (regularly priced at $19)!

Until next time,


Teacher Career Coach